Poets and artists published in Spectrum Online Edition: Open Window are invited to read at the Saturday Afternoon Poetry Zoom meeting on Saturday, November 19th between 3 and 5 pm PDT.

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Mary Mayer Shapiro

View from the Window

The old farmhouse

Once was new

Full of life

Held generations

The windows made of glass

Collected memories

Looking in

And looking out

As the glass was put together

By many elements

It held many secrets

Like Madame Defarge knitting

Joys and laughter

Holidays births, deaths

Reflection of pictures on the walls

Generations of families

A new frontier

View was changing, the family grew

Friendly Indians, neighbors miles away

As the years flew by

The window faced the cemetery

A reminder of the past

Growing larger

But not forgotten

The window weathered the storm

Hot sun, opened for a gentle breeze

Seeds on the window sill fed birds, squirrels

Closed to keep out winter cold

Enjoyed visits by Jack Frost

The old farmhouse

Was falling apart

Broken windows, like pieces of puzzles

Started to break apart

Portions of glass

Flew to the cemetery

Landing on different graves

Uniting memories

Dust Collectors

Objects on the window sill

Looking out

Scenery changes - dogs, cats, children, adults pass through

By the hour

Determined by the time

Of day

Subjected to the weather

Heat from the sun

Savor visits during

The winter

From Jack Frost

Ignored by people

In the house

Rarely dusted

Never played with, but not bored

Just objects on

The window sill

Long forgotten

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R A Ruadh

Cold sleep winter solstice moon waxes poetic with tales of snug tight windows there are few birds now coyote songs sift through the double g...