Poets and artists published in Spectrum Online Edition: Open Window are invited to read at the Saturday Afternoon Poetry Zoom meeting on Saturday, November 19th between 3 and 5 pm PDT.

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Carl Stilwell AKA CaLokie

Jim at a pow wow in Costa Mesa, CA

Me & Jim

Jim Feliz was half Apache and Latino

but looked more Indian than Mexican

I am 1/16th Cherokee and Irish

with the rest Anglo but look

like a full blooded Okie

We both had the same animal guides--


That’s how we met each other

at Santa Anita

Because of his surname kids at school

would greet Jim, “Felix the Cat

the wonderful, wonderful cat...”

That’s why he always bet on any horse

with a cat in their name like Outlaw Cat

Onebadkitty or Relato Del Gato

He also had a tabby named Tiger who

Knew how to listen whenever he had

any troubles he needed to talk about

When we went to the races we didn’t sit

in the grandstand as Bukowski did

but at one of the tables in a pavilion near

the eastern entrance of Santa Anita

Often blackbirds would flock nearby

and Jim would toss to them any

remaining corn chips or pretzels

Jim and I also smoked cigars

He a pack of Phillies

Me a cigar costing more

than the five in his pack

David, who joined us on weekends,

didn’t smoke

He was a Mexican American who was

a union representative where he worked

He always brought these fresh baked pan

dulce to share with us when he came

When either of us had a hot day at

the track, we’d celebrate with a chile

relleno dinner at Super Burrito

When we had a terrible day—So what

We’d feast on the blues coming from

my auto stereo as we returned home

In addition to going to the races, we

also went to pow wows

We’d eat tacos on fry bread and drink sodas

while watching dancers in Fancy Shawls,

Jingle Dresses, feathered headdresses

and bustles regalia dance on park grass

as drummers sing vocables while beating

on pow wow drum

The prostate cancer Jim suffered

from a decade ago came back

After his funeral his sister gave David

and me plastic bags filled with

his cremated remains

He wanted us to spread his ashes around

the Great Race Place’s sacred grounds

I placed some of his remnants near

the statue of Seabiscuit and on the grass

near the pavilion where he would feed

his winged brothers and sisters

Then I went to a pow wow held

at a state park by Chinatown which

coincidentally was a couple of blocks

from Philippe’s where we often ate

French dipped sandwiches and drank

coffee costing only a dime a cup

At this pow wow when they invited all

the gathering to join the round dance,

I entered the circle

As we orbited on park grass to heartbeat

of pow wow drum, I laid my last of Jim’s ashes

on the holy earth where we were dancing

Every 28 Hours in America

Every 28 hours in America a person of color killed by police

By rough ride in police van, cops break neck of Freddy Gray

Eric Garner murdered by cop chokehold--Justice can’t breathe

Louisville cops during no-knock raid kill Breonna Taylor while asleep

The original warrant did not even have her name

Every 28 hours in America a person of color killed by police

In Minneapolis George Floyd paid for cigarettes with a counterfeit twenty

Being high on drugs was also the claim

And so murdered by cop knee on neck--Justice can’t breathe

For air freshener on rear window, cop kills Daunte Wright accidentally

Also for expired license tags he was made to pay

Every 28 hours in America a person of color killed by police

Minneapolis Cops during no-knock raid kill Amir Locke while asleep

The original warrant did not even have his name

George Floyd murdered by cop knee on neck--Justice can’t breathe

On all counts, Minneapolis jury finds Derek Chauvin guilty

A week later terrified Latino kid killed by cop in dark Chicago alley

Every 28 hours in America a person of color killed by police

This keeps happening and it’s got to stop—Justice can’t breathe

Restaurant Window

Outside window

of trendy bistro

I see destitute

middle aged Latina

looking inside

same window

and watching with

famished eyes

overweight Anglo octogenarian


triple jackfruit taco dish

for only $15

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