Poets and artists published in Spectrum Online Edition: Open Window are invited to read at the Saturday Afternoon Poetry Zoom meeting on Saturday, November 19th between 3 and 5 pm PDT.

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Lynn White

Nothing Is Impossible

Even when the window is obscured

entirely draped in white fabric

it can’t hide the outside,

not completely.

In the filtered light

I can still see shapes shift outside

and even a sliver left open

lets me feel the draught

of a breeze,

and inhale

the scent or stink

carried on it 

from the outside.

Even when I bury myself

in the cool white sheets,

even then

I can sense it.

And I know


what it’s like out there.

Nothing is impossible.

First published in Bindweed: Midsummer Madness, June 2022

Looking Out

I loved Magritte’s clouds

especially inside the room.

I’d never seen clouds inside


It was surreal 

but it didn’t seem confusing.

Now though

I do feel confusion

looking through the window

admiring the autumn glory

which surrounds it

as I stand outside

looking up

looking through

to the clouds inside

like a Magritte painting.

But this is real.

Looking Through The Windows

The windows are aglow.

A cacophony of colour

giving glimpses

of other peoples’ lives.

Snapshots into different worlds.

Shapes still

and moving.

A little exposure


a mystery revealed.

Stories to be told

from different imaginings.

A cacophony of colour


as if Monsieur Hulot

has taken his vacation

with Mon Oncle

in the twenty-first century,

until the lights go


First published in Visual Verse, October 2019

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