Poets and artists published in Spectrum Online Edition: Open Window are invited to read at the Saturday Afternoon Poetry Zoom meeting on Saturday, November 19th between 3 and 5 pm PDT.

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Robert Fleming

when you open your mouth what comes out?

nice words?

who asked you?

children seen not heard?

adults heard not seen?

mean words?

gurgling over the toilet?

spew mouth?

keep mouth closed

i love me?


cerebellum transporter 

the 6 p.m. news Godzilla ate the Big Apple

i’m in New York city not King Kong

Sheila sang New York New York last night at Karaoke

i shot Saki in Singapore Karaoke bar

i’m not in the same apartment but the same building

my window looks at the Central Park but looked at the street

Charlie chocked on a wishbone

my left pocket is un-threaded

i travel in my apartment

say a place i’m there

Change of Wardrobe

tis the month to remove tattered leggings

pull nylons over me potholes 

as winter grew fat and long

me thighs grew dry and plenty

fountain on me bidet with me pointers in the clouds

apply three Nair layers to me extremities

rip winter growth off

reach into me cedar closet 

grasp five moth balls into each hand

release me balls

elevate me skirts out of me bottom drawer 

polish silver bracelets

retrieve me bitched heart from me heart deposit box

consult fashion advisor for seasons’ color and fabric 

Woolite me skirts

wash me in soapy waters

spin and twist me garments

hang me skirts to dry on me window rack


high-heel me P Street runway

April bless me Dupont Circle cherry blossoms

lip-sync me 17th Street tarmac


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